
Hello! I am Danielle and this is my website reviewing metal albums. As time passes the content may shift a bit, but this is the plan for the near future.

If you are curious about me, I am an American girl in my mid 20’s and I have been listening to metal most of my life. Right now I am trying to remain open-minded with the subgenres of metal I listen to. I cannot say I have always been open-minded about it, though, sometimes I just want to hear my favorite bands and not much else. For now, I am willing to listen to a lot of different metal genres and bands that I wouldn’t have in the past. This desire to expand my metal horizons is really what led me to make this website in the first place.

Picture of me!

Over the years, the amount of metal I have listened to would increase and diminish depending on whatever my life situations would be. I have always been interested in doing something with music besides just listening, but a lot of things always stood in the way and prevented me from taking action. Right now it does feel really good that I have started writing these reviews. I am hoping to do more with music in the future, but right now I do feel pretty happy about my progress in this short amount of time.

In addition to metal, I am also very into progressive rock and classical music as well. I will probably enjoy anything unique or things that feel unfamiliar and can entertain my mind.

Aside from this metal brand I am working on, I am in the process of finishing my computer science bachelor’s degree which will feel wonderful to complete. But more importantly, I have been working hard on improving my health. I have dealt with chronic and life-threatening illnesses for a long-time and I do not want to feel held back by that anymore. Working on bettering myself this way does take a lot of time every week.

I have a lot of goals for the future and I am excited to see where this project will go as well as any projects related to the other facets of my life. Thank you for visiting my website, I appreciate you reading this far!

Follow me on Instagram for more frequent updating: @metalcutieuwu

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