Mastodon – “Remission” Album Review


Today I am listening to Mastodon’s first studio album “Remission”!! This album was released May 28, 2002 from Relapse Records. “March of the Fire Ants” is their single that is featured on this album. Let’s dig in!

Mastodon — “Remission” Album Cover

Song Analysis

The album starts off with the chaotic distorted sounds of “Crusher Destroyer”. Pure sludge, pure craziness. Next there is “March of the Fire Ants”. I love the beginning riffs, they effectively pull you in. The buildup leads you to the beginning of the vocals. Half way through begins an instrumental passage, which leads into another spicier instrumental passage, both have different vibes but blend together seamlessly.

Mastodon – “March of the Fire Ants” Album Review

I love the the unique riffs “Where Strides the Behemoth” starts with. Chaotic drums join in, as well as chaotic vocals. Really, the chaos is on an equal level from every member of the band. There is something so artistic with how they are able to create so many unique sounds.

“Workhorse” begins with heavy guitars and drums following the same pattern, then the drums pick up with more complex rhythms. The aggressive vocals join in and are complimented by the pounding of the drums. Half way through we enter into an instrumental segment which rules through the end of the song.

Beginning with the strong melody of the guitar, “Ol’e Nessie” starts off slowly, the drums complimenting the guitar. This transitions into a very moody passage with some beautiful melodies too, before picking back up again with the distortion and the chaos. The vocals begin and there are interesting lyrics.

Flight of giving

Be mine always

Here for duration

Miss my sweet love

Times of sailing

Keep me grounded”

I have no idea what these words are about, but they sound cool in the song! With some of the pretty melodies mixed with the aggressiveness of this song, it nearly sounds like a twisted and dark love story. The songs ends with a passage of gentle guitar and drums.

Starting with a ton of distortion and chaos, “Burning Man” really picks up with Mastodon’s crazy, sludgy goodness. The instrumentals are jamming very strong when the vocals join in. We are led out of the song with pounding riffs and raging drums.

“Trainwreck” begins with the sounds of a train at the station and the faint voices over the intercom, which shifts into an eerie guitar intro. This transitions into a really interesting instrumental passage, which leads into muddy Mastodon goodness. The lyrics are relatable for the dark times of life:

Life’s changed, yet remain the same

Basking in an afterglow, I did not know

I am here in shadows island

Lying, hopeless wondering

All questions exhaust me”

These lyrics remind me of how even though a lot of things in life can change for the better, some problems will still exist and some new problems may appear as well, unexpectedly. Finishing off the song is a very expressive instrumental passage where it sounds like everyone is really pouring themselves into it.

Starting off with really catchy riffs, “Trampled Under Hoof” transitions into crazy chugging riffs with more intense vocals. Half way through we hit an instrumental passage that dominates through the end of the song.

Mastodon – Photo of Band Members

“Trilobite” begins with a haunting guitar melody, transitioning to heavier instrumentals and heavy vocals. There is an instrumental passage which picks up again with the haunting guitar melodies, which sound so beautiful. This pattern continues with the melodies between the sections with the vocals. Ending the song we have the good ole’ Mastodon distorted instrumentals, which leads into another instrumental passage that is much more relaxed and slow.

Next we start off “Mother Puncher” with distorted guitar riffs and prominent drums. This instrumental segment continues through most of the song, changing structure many times before we are welcomed by the harsh vocals. I love the opening words, “Change, stand, grow / These things you’ll never be”. Those words are pretty harsh and feel great when you are angry! Hahaha. Love it.

Mastodon – Photo of Band Members

Ending off the album we have “Elephant Man” that starts with the strong sounds of blowing wind and rain. This transitions into a pleasant and pretty instrumental section that reminds me of a lot of progressive rock but with more distortion. This transitions into a prominent guitar solo which follows gloomy and pretty themes. There is another guitar solo with heavier distortion. After these solos there are more sounds of wind and rain which fade to silence. After waiting for a while, there are more interesting weather sounds to lead us out of the song. Maybe it’s a tornado? It is very eerie!!

Final Thoughts

Mastodon has been one of my favorite bands since I was in high school. I haven’t listened to this album as much as some of the others, so it is really interesting being able to listen to “Remission” in depth. I like hearing the roots of where Mastodon came from.

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